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The Culture

Culture is the mirror of society. To play a relentless role in establishing tasteful culture and developing healthy culture through modern and up-to-date changes in social culture


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To play a role in building a prosperous decay-free society to bring about the desired change in the socio-economic condition. Ensuring balanced prosperity through multifaceted social activities especially the activities of the organization regarding basic needs


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Education is the root of all awareness. To assist in timely and quality basic education for all. To this point, to make education people-oriented and universal, to conduct activities at every level of education


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A healthy life can ensure a calm mind. To make constructive efforts for the implementation of timely and effective health services in rural areas. To cooperate to ensure the health rights of marginalized people


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If you are skilled, you can make a livelihood. To create a self-reliant, happy, and prosperous decay-free society to bring about the desired change in the socio-economic condition of the area


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Culture is the mirror of society. To play a relentless role in establishing tasteful culture and developing healthy culture through modern and up-to-date changes in social culture


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The prosperity of the society in the awareness of the citizens. To formulate and implement far-reaching plans on contemporary issues to create mutual awareness among the socialized people to bring dynamism to the socio-economic condition

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